Belt "slips" during deceleration

Hi all - I've recently replaced most of the parts of my treadmill (Nordictrack 2450) including the control board, motor, drive belt, and walking belt. I've also lubricated the walking belt with a total of 3 packets of the lubricant sold here (one at a time, about a week apart, giving it a chance to spread around). I've done amp draw tests and have been running on it, and everything seems fine, EXCEPT ...

When the belt is slowing down (say, I've been running at 8 mph and hit 3 mph to take a walk break) it feels like something slips for a moment as it is decelerating until it hits the new speed, then it's fine again. When it's speeding up everything feels fine. Any thoughts? I'm wondering if the walking belt is too loose, but I'm afraid to overtighten it and increase the amp draw. The only other possibilities I can think of is I used too much lube or not enough, which obviously have diametrically opposed solutions!


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