Pacemaster Bronze Basic treadmill beeps 3 times when turned on, then shows error code 307

Can anybody tell me how to fix this problem?


  • Error 307 Belt Stalled
    The belt stopped for 1 second while belt speed control was active or failed to start moving within
    3 seconds at startup.
    1. check that belt was not being “held” during startup
    2. replace lower board
    The lower boards for those are no longer available, but we do sell a treadmill rescue kit below.
    Treadmill Rescue Kit
    Here is something that we design for customers who need a console but find the consoles are no longer available, works on any treadmill if the Drive Motor still works.

    Speed is 0 to 10mph
    Unit will allow unit to incline, but will not show incline levels.

    Includes the Following and is price at $269.99 plus $12.99

    1. New Display
    2. New Motor Controller
    3. New Wire Harness
    4. New Speed Sensor
    5. New Safety Key
    How to install the Treadmill Rescue Kit-

    To order please call me 888-362-1105 then enter Ext 331 and ask for Jim or email at
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