Rear Roller Bearings Popping out

Hey all,

I've got a Roger Black Treadmill that's been a workhorse for me, recently started getting noise from the rear rollers (sounding like the bearing had gone) but today when running it to repair I noticed that the internal bearing had started to pull out of the roller, no sooner I'd noticed this that the bearing fully popped out. I am wondering what might have caused this? Could it be that I had too much tension in the rear roller? Obviously I'm going to replace the bearings but I'm worried about it happening again.


  • Could be that bearing cup is worn causing bearing to fall out, or bearing can just fail also.
  • Thanks for your response. I've got a couple new bearings on order and a new custom running belt coming too so hopefully it'll breath some extra life back into the old girl.
  • Good Luck
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