Pro-Form Premier 900 dead display

Hello! Our Premier 900 has decided it doesn’t love us anymore…. The display does not come on, nor any noises or anything from the console, seems like I remember it used to have a little speaker pop when you turned the the switch on before, but now nothing.

I have both a solid red and solid green LED on the motor control board, and have 12.13V DC at the console cable connector red and blacks, 12.13V at the console plug, 12.12V at the circuit board in the console, 12.12V at the plug on the actual display, and when powered on there is a green LED that I can see come on behind the connectors inside of the display. Verified the cable connections between the circuit board and the display are engaged and tight. Also verified that there is no power at the usb connector on the console, which appears to come out of the display, which makes sense as it doesn’t turn on.

Is there by chance anyone who has any tips or other things that I should before throwing in the towel? I see there are consoles available, but they are almost as much as we paid for this unit in 2018, so that’s a no go!

Any suggestions are appreciated, TIA!


  • The issue is the console had gone bad. below is a kit we sell for treadmills that need a console.
    Treadmill Rescue Kit
    Here is something that we design for customers who need a console but find the consoles are no longer available, works on any treadmill if the Drive Motor still works.

    Speed is 0 to 10mph
    Unit will allow unit to incline, but will not show incline levels.

    Includes the Following and is price at $299.99 plus $12.99

    1. New Display
    2. New Motor Controller
    3. New Wire Harness
    4. New Speed Sensor
    5. New Safety Key
    How to install the Treadmill Rescue Kit-

    Once you've added items to your Cart, and you are ready to Check out and you put all your shipping info in. Use this code 8264 at checkout for a 10% discount on your order.

    To order please call me 888-362-1105 then enter Ext 331 and ask for Jim or email at
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