Pro Form Carbon E7 display not working

I have a ProForm carbon E7 and the display is not turning on, I made sure all the connections were in and clean, also verified the board was receiving power. When I try to do the reset the speakers make a quick sound, and the fan starts but then immediately turns off and nothing happens on the display. Any advice and tips are extremely welcome and appreciated! Thanks!


  • The model number is Model Serial
    #: PFEL59920.0
    #: NN520G0001433
  • Have you verified voltage to the console?
  • I did verify there is power getting to the console at least I just don’t know how to test beyond that to locate where there may be a short or a bad connection
  • The console is available. give me a call @ 888-362-1105 x 330
  • Do you have a wiring schematic for the board? I’d like to verify the board is bad and I don’t have to just replace a capacitor or something within the board but I can’t locate a schematic anywhere
  • no, the manufacturer doesn't make them available.
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