Treadmill VS Elliptical
Making decision to buy either a treadmill or elliptical to "frequently" (Every 45-minutes) escape from sitting at desk and taking 10-minute exercise breaks. I am 82, in good health, but I have bad over-sitting manifestations. My work requires sitting, unfortunately. The elliptical seems like the answer, but I would like your opinion on two things:
QUESTION: Treadmill or Elliptical? [$4-5K is OK, but only if needed.] Elliptical is low impact (not running, just walking) and it allows some upper body workout. Looking at LifeFitness E5 for tread setting (I and wife have different tread distances.); but only because an exercise equipment store suggests. Is this correct reasoning? Is Elliptical best Choice?
Another question: LifeFitness E5 does not allow incline settings! Is that feature needed or of great value, assuming cardiovascular is sufficiently achieved?
Please suggest a brand or model for in-home use, given willingness to spend $$ if cost-benefit good--but we very much like "quality"? Equipment weight and portability are not needed, but "nice to avoid/have". Thanks for your help!
QUESTION: Treadmill or Elliptical? [$4-5K is OK, but only if needed.] Elliptical is low impact (not running, just walking) and it allows some upper body workout. Looking at LifeFitness E5 for tread setting (I and wife have different tread distances.); but only because an exercise equipment store suggests. Is this correct reasoning? Is Elliptical best Choice?
Another question: LifeFitness E5 does not allow incline settings! Is that feature needed or of great value, assuming cardiovascular is sufficiently achieved?
Please suggest a brand or model for in-home use, given willingness to spend $$ if cost-benefit good--but we very much like "quality"? Equipment weight and portability are not needed, but "nice to avoid/have". Thanks for your help!