Walking belt

edited May 2023 in General Discussion
Recently I purchased and I am happy to have it. Just wonder how often should I change walking belt and how to understand that I need to replace it. Found this https://www.treadmilldoctor.com/nordictrack-t9-5-s-treadmill-ntl161191-walking-belt-406592 on your website, is it suitable for my treadmill?

Thank you!


  • There will be a specific model number on your treadmill. fold it up to the storage position and look down on the main frame. as long as the model number is the same, then you have the correct belt. typically, we recommend replacing the belts every 4-6 years. if you're going to order online, here is a code you can use on the checkout page for a 5% discount. (5offkevin)
  • Thank you for the answer!
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