Epic View 550/700 Endcap

edited April 2022 in Treadmill Problems
How do you remove the Endcap on the Epic View 550/700 treadmill? I need to replace the roller. I see a bolt/screw on the rollers, but I don't think that's it. On the back/rear of the endcap, there's a hole which has a bolt/screw but it's doesn't seem to be attached/holding to the endcap in any way.... since it's a hole in the endcap....


  • edited November 2023
    No one? Need to remove parts #54 and #59
    Screw 56 doesn't touch the parts (54,59). There's a hole in 54+59 that the screw just goes completely through. I think the two #56 screws are the belt adjustments (tighten/loosen).
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