Need a different treadmill handlebar - may be called an extension

We have a NORDIC TRACK T8.7S. It has 2 handlebars -- i.e. the handlebar that includes the sensor for your blood pressure and heart rate, and then the regular handlebars which are vertically wide and very uncomfortable for my hands. The handlebar that includes the sensor has a perfect size grab bar for me only it is too close for me and sometimes my shoes touch the actual treadmill.

I need an extension with a bar that will have round fasteners that will mount on the sensor handlebar but will be about 2 feet long and be mounted about 2-3" back so I can be on the treadmill with handlebars that are comfortable and keep my back straight. I looked at extension handlebars for bikes but that just extends the handlebars horizontally (it attaches on the ends of the handlebars). That's not what I want. Do you know where I can get that extender?


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