ERR CODE 1 PaceMaster ProSelect/Proelite

Treadmill was left on for several days while we were out of town. when I turned it on today, error code ERR1 will not let unit run.


  • Err Code 01 through 18 - (Button Error) Indicates the keyboard membrane has a stuck key. Do not hold down any key for more than 5 seconds or this error will appear.
    1. Insert the magnetic key back into the control panel and do not touch any keys, if the error occurs, replace the keyboard membrane.
    2. In very rare cases, a defective upper circuit board can cause this error and the circuit board will need to be replaced.
  • Thank you for your advice. I am old and electronics challenged. Can you tell me how to gain access to the kekyboard membrane and replace it?
  • You have to take upper console apart, and the membrane just unpeels from the front of console.
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